
Aureum Technologies LLC is a robotics company .

Aureum Technologies LLC is a robotics company that specializes in providing robot integration services. Inquiring product and product info is customary to our clients needs, interests and goals, so our robot inquiries must be made through info@aureumtechnologies.netor on our contact page.

Our robotic solutions range in tasks, rather it is problem-solving, entertainment or convenience. Our company has access to various types of robots and will provide ample support in the integration, education and training process to businesses and individuals alike. Examples of our robots may include: Cobots, robot deliverers, AGVs, Robot trash recycler, robot janitors, robot lawn mowers for homes and terrain management, robot barista, robot workers for warehouses, restaurants, Arts & Entertainment industries and more. We have access to various types of robots and can integrate robots for your business and/or home. Other examples extend to acquiring robotic assistance with loading and unloading commercial trucks, self-driving cars, security robots, robot dogs, and more.

With various problems, interests, goals, or even entertainment as a source of reason, Aureum has access to the robots that addresses the client's inquiry and will provide ample support in the integration process.